Garrett Ashley's debut collection, My Grandfather Ran off to the Woods, is forthcoming from Press 53 in May 2024. His work has appeared in The Normal School, Sonora Review, DIAGRAM, Reed Magazine,
Asimov's, and elsewhere. He lives in Alabama and teaches writing at Tuskegee University.
Simon Anton Niño Diego Baena lives in the Philippines with his wife and child. He is the author of three chapbooks, most recently Ritual and Other Poems from Blue Horse Press.
His work has appeared in Poetry Daily, The Bitter Oleander, Osiris, The Columbia Review, The Cortland Review, The Adirondack Review, Hawaii Pacific Review, and elsewhere.
Robert Boucheron is an architect in Charlottesville, Virginia. His short stories and essays appear in Alabama Literary Review, Bellingham Review, Fiction International,
Literary Heist, Saturday Evening Post, and Superpresent.
D.W. Davis is a native of rural Illinois. His work has appeared in various online and print journals. You can find him at, or @dan_davis86 on Twitter.
S.C. Donnelly has been an English and writing teacher in the Boston area, working with students ranging from middle and high school to adults recovering from addiction. She is a
former editor of the Colorado Review and was a Tupelo Press 30/30 poet in 2022. She has written numerous online book reviews, and her recent poems have appeared in Gyroscope
Review and Amethyst Review.
Sophie Hamel is a French writer living in Los Angeles. She's a former archaeologist with a Master's degree in archaeology of the ancient Mediterranean and Middle East from La Sorbonne,
Paris, and a postgraduate diploma from the Institute of Higher Studies in Art (IESA), Paris. She participated in numerous archaeological excavation campaigns in France and the Middle East,
took a dive into the Indian contemporary art world while in Bangalore, before becoming a faculty manager for an online art school in Los Angeles. She's currently finishing her first novel,
Unearthed. This is her debut publication.
Marc Janssen is the author of November Reconsidered (Cirque Press, 2021). His work has appeared in Pinyon, Slant, Cirque Journal, Off the Coast, Poetry Salzburg, and elsewhere.
A nominee for Oregon Poet Laureate, he coordinates the Salem Poetry Project weekly reading series.
Ashley Mabbitt's poems have appeared in Plume, The Ekphrastic Review, Emerge, Ravensperch, and South Florida Poetry Journal. Her first full-length collection is forthcoming from
Kelsay Books. She lives in Brooklyn, New York, where she works for a scholarly journal publisher.
Louisa Schnaithmann is the author of Plague Love (Moonstone Press, 2021). Her work can be found in Anti-Heroin Chic, Gargoyle, The Mantle, Rogue Agent,
and tiny wren lit, among other journals. She is the consulting editor for ONE ART: a journal of poetry and lives in southeastern Pennsylvania.
Jeff Schneekloth lives in Pittsburgh, PA. His debut novel, Lefty, is available on Amazon, about a one-handed rapper coming up in the '90s.
He writes about music on Shakedown Sheet, and a related substack.